Batterystaple - 30XX
How to pitch to Kowloon Nights
We understand that pitching can be challenging, so we’ve put together some high-level watch outs for you. Please read through this page in full before progressing with any submission.
One of our core values is “Hands Off.” This means we want to understand how you will manage everything from development to the successful release of your project.
Be confident and passionate about your project. Tell us what you want to make and what sets it apart, not what you think we want you to make.
Be concise with your pitch deck and please make it easy to digest. If you want to go deep on game systems, it would be best to attach that as a separate document (like a Game Design Document or similar).
Demo > Video > Concept Art > Words: we prioritize projects that have something playable or a proof of concept to show; and are generally unable to assess projects without a build.
The form below will include all the information that we require to assess your title. Please read through before submitting.
Note: Kowloon Nights specializes in funding premium PC and Console projects. We are open to receiving pitches for AR/VR and mobile-first titles, but we will not be supporting content tied to blockchain, NFTs, or advergaming.
Link to form here
For other inquiries, please contact us here.